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How To Increase My Search Engine Ranking – SEO tips

There are SEO tips spread far and wide across the internet but I have found that most of these tips contain a lot of jargon and don’t really tell you how to increase your website search engine ranking in a way that you can actually implement.  So here are some tips which you can implement today..

How To Increase My Search Engine Ranking

1. Links

Add a link to your website from everywhere that you can. You are creating signposts to your website and wherever possible link to your website using the keywords that someone would type into a search engine to find you.  For example, here is a link to my home page using keywords – Brisbane Web Design

  • Social Media eg. your Linked in Profile, your Facebook Page, your Google Plus page, Tumbler, Twitter, Pinterest etc.
  • Create a Google Business Page formerly Google Places (shows up in Google Maps)
  • Create a Google Plus Page
  • Create a Linked In Business Page
  • Create a Facebook Business Page
  • Create links from Directories
  • Link from partner business websites


2. Original Content

Create original content which showcases your expertise and add this content to your website or blog. If your blog is separate to your website this is not a problem just ensure that your blog links back to your business website. When creating your content think about the words a user would type into a search engine to find this content and use those words in your title and within your text. Examine your topic fully and provide in depth information.

If your content answers a common search query you are winning!

Don’t forget to post a link to your content from your social media pages. Your connections will see your content and if your content is useful, your connections will share your content with their network and your audience has expanded.


3. Images

Use images to convey an idea and to keep the user interested. Yes, a picture tells the story a whole lot faster than the written word. Ensure your images are relevant and high quality.  Images don’t need to be complex, in fact the simpler the better, but they must be relevant and clear. 

4. URL

Whenever possible your URL or name of your website should include the key search terms that would be used to find you on the internet. For instance if your business involves lawn mowing in Brisbane then a great URL for you would be – www.lawnmowingbrisbane.com.au rather than – www.fredandjimservices.com.au.

5. Keywords and Titles

The titles you use for your written content should be descriptive and include your keywords. If you have written content around keywords then it makes sense that these words would also appear in your article title. If your content explores your subject fully, these keywords will by necessity appear throughout your content.

6. Social Media

As noted in Section 1 – Links and also Section 2 – Original Content, creating social media pages and adding original content which links to your website should be at the heart of your SEO activity.  Keep in mind that the more your content is shared, the more your content is read, the greater chance that your target clients will find you and the goods or services that you provide.



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